Today’s hair transplant procedures are less painful and require less recovery than ever. However, you must still follow a few basic steps to ensure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

The first week after surgery is the most critical, and you must avoid strenuous activity. This will minimize swelling and scabbing so that you can focus on getting your results as naturally as possible.


Resting is one of the most important parts of recovery. Taking the time to rest helps heal and ensures that the transplanted hair follicles heal properly after a hair transplant recovery Sandy Spring, MD.

Sleeping upright during the first week after surgery is helpful, as it reduces swelling. However, avoiding resting on your stomach is important, as that may damage the newly implanted hair.

It’s best to elevate your head on a travel or neck pillow while you sleep. This will prevent you from rubbing your scalp while sleeping.


Ice is an important tool for the recovery of hair transplants. It improves the quality of the grafts, which can be damaged due to different reasons, such as high temperatures during surgery or dehydration.

This treatment is carried out before the implantation of grafts, and it consists of placing them in a special solution with a low temperature and full of growth-enhancing factors. It protects the grafts, keeps them vital, and extends their lifespan outside the body.

The grafts are stored in this solution for 5-6 hours before implanting them, and the procedure is carried out with more comfort by the physician.

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Ice used long-term can lead to psychotic states (paranoid delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior). These symptoms are not normal, but they can be dangerous for the person who uses ice and those around them.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

If you experience mild pain after a hair transplant procedure, over-the-counter pain relievers can help. These are usually ibuprofen-based and work well for various aches and pains.

Applying an ice pack to your scalp after the procedure (for up to 15 minutes, 3 – 4 times a day) may also be helpful. This will help minimize swelling.

Avoiding vigorous physical activity is important during the first few days of your recovery. This will protect your new grafts and speed up your recovery.

In addition, avoiding the sun is especially important during the first four weeks after your surgery. This is because the sun’s UV rays can damage the swollen scalp.

If you need to exercise, do so only for a short time (for example, light jogging or weightlifting). You should only engage in contact sports once your doctor approves it.

Light Exercise

It’s normal to want to get back into your usual exercise routine after hair transplant surgery. Still, you should be aware that too much exercise too soon could negatively affect your results. The newly placed hair follicles and grafts are sensitive in the early stages of recovery, and strain or harm to these new areas can jeopardize the success of your treatment.

Exercising too soon after a hair transplant can also cause you to sweat, which can irritate the scalp and damage the grafts. Sweating also increases the risk of infection, which may sabotage your treatment.

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While most doctors recommend avoiding cardio workouts and any other exercise that causes you to sweat, some light exercise can be resumed after the first week of recuperation. Walking is a good option for this period, as it doesn’t require any straining or movement that can stretch the skin around the transplant site.